Weight Loss 3 The Feel-Good Essences
The Feel-Good Essences
Can help with despondency and frustration. The Feel-Good Essences can always be taken when the body prepares more frustration than pleasure. Provides assistance:
- balances heart and circulation
- transmutes self-doubt
- increases self–esteem
- values and takes care as you are at the moment
- strengthens the feeling of satisfaction with your body as it is.
- I choose to feel good for who I am.
- I respect myself. I accept myself as I am.
- I am worth being loved as I am.
The recommended dosage:
- for children 3 - 5 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day
- for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day
- for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.
According to the manufacturer, all Cereal Essences Remedies are gluten-free and from certified organic farming.
Dosage Bottle made of GTP® Cereal Essences (Europe)
Contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol. brandy as a natural preservative system.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.