The Overachiever Essences
The Overachiever
This person is entirely exhausted by daily responsibilities and/or professional duties because s(h)e wants to give 110% all the time. S(h)e is constantly under pressure because s(h)e thinks s(h)e always needs to prove themselves.
The remedies help workaholics to settle.
This Essences prevent or assist with breakdown.
Feeling overwhelmed
More targeted
Gives more tolerance
Being too adaptable
Provides more flexibility
Facing a crisis in your life
Body support: Intestinal, Belly, Digestion.
The recommended dosage:
- for children 3 -5 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
- for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.
According to the manufacturer, all Cereal Essences are gluten-free.
15 ml or 30ml Dosage Bottle made from Cereal Essences (Europe) maize, wheat, soy.
Contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol. brandy as a natural preservative system.
without alcohol on request.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.