Pyramid Archangel Chamuel, Vibration Healing Frequency
Pyramid Archangel Chamuel, Vibration Healing Frequency Loaded Pyramid
These stunningly beautiful vibrational energy Frequency Loaded Pyramid products can be used in many different areas, as they are tools to promote individual well-being, stimulate the harmonization of body, mind and soul and create the harmonious balance of energies in the body.
Pyramid Archangel Chamuel
May assist with:
transforming broken relationships, opening to forgiveness and mercy
finding joy in life again
coping with stressful situations
gaining a sense of love and security
overcoming relationship problems
developing feelings of self-respect
transmuting rage and anger, becoming more loving
generally getting along with others more effectively
Everything in this world has its own frequency, including humans, animals, plants and stones. Our thoughts, emotions and behaviour also carry their one frequency; as an example, sadness has a different frequency to joy.
These frequencies can be transmitted to certain objects using a special procedure.
You do not have to believe in the effect. Just let it happen and you will be surprised by their power and effectiveness.
This technology has already found thousands of enthusiastic users. These products hold great potential. The intelligence and universal energy incorporated within this technology makes it readily available for every human being, animal and plant. This energy is used not only to achieve physical well-being but also to resolve emotional blockages and assist mental development. It gives us the energy we need for a healthy and harmonious life.
For external use only. Do not swallow.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals
Rainbow Lead Crystal Pyramidal Etched Angel Figurine
Material: Crystal Size :5cm high,Bottom:4.8x4.8cm