Gemstone Essences
Gem essences strengthen and harmonize the energy field and protect against all kinds of external influences. They strengthen the body structure and are particularly helpful in phases in which body, mind and soul are formed. Ancient traditions tell of healing and harmonizing effects on people, animals and even plants.
Gemstone Essences
Agate Gemstone Essences
This Remedy gives protection, inner power, and grounding. It provides a deep feeling of safety. Gives courage, strengthens self-confidence, dispels fear, eases anxiety and stress, creates hope, harmony, and optimism. Also helpful with tooth and gum issues. It may help to relieve stomach problems.
Corresponding essence: Rice Cereal Essence
Amazonite Gemstone Essences
The Remedy connects you with Mother Nature and the Divine Kingdoms of plants and gems. It can boost self-confidence and leadership, self-honour, communication, integrity, hope and trust. Can reduce self-damaging behaviour. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, and psychic ability.
Corresponding essence: Deva Orchid Essence
Amethyst Gemstone Essences
Amethyst may help you gain access to the realm of intuition and dreams. It's a stress reliever, ideal for meditation, enhances intuition, helps to transform negative energy into love, relieves stress and strain, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Helpful to overcome addictions. A powerful and protective stone essence.
Corresponding essence: Psyche Orchid
Apatite Gemstone Essences
The Remedy calms worn-out emotions and brings clarity and concentration. Suitable as support for regression work. Lucid dreaming, deep meditation, astral travel, past life work, re-birthing, and inner wisdom. Apatite essence is said to heal bones, cartilage, and teeth and allegedly boosts calcium absorption. May relieve pain caused by arthritis and other joint problems.
Corresponding essence: Ruby Gemstone Essences
Aquamarine Gemstone Essences
This Remedy has a positive influence on the upper body. Refreshes and purifies. May help with aggression, calming effect, enhances self-love, strengthens the organs, involved in the excretory process, provides revitalization for body and aura, helps you to let go of past emotional issues you may be holding on to, helps to heighten your courage when you are handling grief.
Corresponding essence: Amazon Orchid Essence
Celestial Crystal Gemstone Essences
The Celestial Crystal Remedy may be used when one's personal truth is not aligned to the Universal Truth. Use with caution. This essence activates 3rd eye, crown, upper chakra. It is one of the most effective healing crystal essences, communicates between oneself and one's guardian angel or angelic guides.
Corresponding essences: Aggression Orchid Essences
Copper Gemstone Essences
This Remedy operates vitalizing and cleansing. It promotes inner self-healing. Builds optimism, harmony, and protection. May bring higher energies into every cell for the remembering of the original state, supports the tissues and red blood cells, improves treatment of arthritis, relieving the pain of broken bones, regulates sexual instability, strong grounding.
Corresponding essences: The Grounded Essences, Plejades I
Coral Gemstone Essences
The Coral Remedy stimulates your physical and mental energies. Helps to release blockages. Brings inner peace, strengthening, represents diplomacy and concurrence, facilitates intuition, imagination, and visualization, strengthens the circulatory system and the bones, stimulates tissue regeneration, alleviates disorders of the spinal canal, the nervous system, and the thalamus, supports kidney, bladder and eyes. Promotes the self-healing process and the rebuilding of our inner strength.
Corresponding essence: Soy Cereal Essences, Sacral Chakra Remedy
Chrysoberyl Gemstone Essences
The Remedy enhances your mental abilities, restores emotional balance, and cleanses the mind. Helps with new beginnings, brings compassion and forgiveness, enhances generosity and confidence, balances the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras, helps with spiritual and personal power, strengthens feelings of self-worth, supports self-healing, balances the adrenal glands and cholesterol, fortifies the chest and liver. This essence also strengthens visual energies and eyesight.
Corresponding essence: The Home Archetypes Essences, Angel of Protection Orchid Essences
Diamond Gemstone Essences
The Diamond Remedy can bring clarity and wisdom. It sheds light on the darker (shadow) side of your soul. helps you to be your true self, embraces the strength of character, provides faithfulness to oneself and others. It is indicative of the loving and open nature with which one came into the world, encourages the aspect of truth and trust, purifies and strengthens brain function, supports nerves and sensory organs, combats aging of the cells, boosts energy levels. The Diamond Essence aids in balancing the brain hemispheres and is said to be good for strokes.
Corresponding essence: Channeling Orchid Essence
Emerald Gemstone Essences
These Essences can open your heart to a wider spectrum of experiences. It strengthens your intuition. For a more immediate and sensitive relationship with your Higher Self. Helps heal the emotional heart, activates self-healing, enhances harmony, wisdom, and love, balances the nervous system, positively influences the digestive and respiratory systems, balances mental or emotional disorders. Because the emerald is associated with strong sexuality and fertility, it was historically believed that couples who were having problems bearing children could find help from it. It can also be useful to dissipate fears pregnant women have of difficulties giving birth.
Corresponding essence: Venus Orchid Essence
Fire-Opal Gemstone Essences
The Fire Opal stimulates creativity and helps to release inner blockages. Reinforces a sense of personal power and initiative. Can create the warmest feelings of love, supports active people with a positive outlook on life, enhances joy and a feeling of great beauty, can bring courage, endurance, strength, and energy, opens the second chakra, promotes the positive side of sexuality, and sexual healing, may stimulate adrenaline production, can stabilize the cardiovascular system.
Corresponding essence: Sacral Chakra Essences
Fluorite Gemstone Essences
The Remedy has a calming and relaxing effect. It helps you to improve your powers of concentration and to sort things out in your mind, releases stress, provides mental clarity and reduces instability and disorder, improves learning for anyone, enhances focus and concentration, stimulates spiritual and psychic wholeness, deepens meditation. May be used to release the emotions attached to an illness or disorder such as blood pressure, cholesterol, bones, teeth, dizziness, cough, neck pain, joints, respiration, food intolerance, facilitates detoxification, balances the brain hemispheres, acts as anti-viral.
Corresponding essence: Barley Cereal Essence, White Chestnut Bach Flower
Garnet Gemstone Essences
The Essence provides strength and energy support. Can bring self-confidence and willpower, improves the power of imagination, brings abundance, accesses ancient memories, or past life regression. Increases commitment, honesty, hope, and faith, minimizes the sense of helplessness or victimization, assists in diminishing or eliminating abandonment issues, eliminate conscious or unconscious self-sabotage, balances sexuality, and intimacy. Can assist in emotional healing, acid reflux, adrenal glands. It assimilates vitamins and minerals. Supports bones and the brain. It may bring DNA/RNA back to a healthy state. It influences fertility, the heart, the immune system, the lungs, and physical strength.
Corresponding essence: Plejades V Essence
Gold Gemstone Essences
The Gold Remedy symbolizes vitality and activates positive energies. Increases personal power, promotes good health, increases self-esteem, can bring courage and willpower. In Europe, it is recommended for circulation disorders, bones, and arthritis pain. This essence supports healing through the strengthening of the Solar Plexus and willpower.
Corresponding essence: Jupiter Planet Essence
Hematite Gemstone Essences
The Hematite stimulates your physical being. It reinforces self-confidence and heightens your capacity to think clearly. Stimulates your mind for higher-order learning especially in mathematics and technical studies. Assist the development of logical thought processes, gives self-confidence, provides willpower and self-esteem, creates strong physical grounding energy, supports the root chakra, can help with restless legs. The Essence also provides pain relief. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue.
Corresponding essences: Füllhorn-Cattleya Orchid Essence
Herkimer Diamond Gemstone Essences
This Remedy assists with personal cleansing and clarification on all levels. It promotes powerful purifying, can help with detoxing, balances RNA/DNA and cellular disorders, helps with burnout, stimulates the immune system, releases tensions and rigidities in tissues, is supportive for eyes and eyesight, helps to see your deepest self, instigates spiritual energy to flow, may stimulate Crown and Third Eye Chakras. This Essence relaxes both body and mind in balancing your energies and promoting your ability to meditate and to have healthy dreams.
Corresponding essence: The Wild Archetype Essences
Red Jasper Gemstone Essences
Jasper reinforces the heart energetically. It helps to recognize and understand true love, regulates the energies of the body, provides strength and vitality, is beneficial for prolonged illness, injury, or hospitalization, supports the circulatory system, detoxifying the blood, and removes blockages. Strengthens the heart and enhances circulation. Used to increase libido, brings strength to resist emotional domination by others, for a child being teased or bullied may bring courage and strength, helps to release shame or guilt, balance, and emotional stability during difficult times, balances yin and yang, stimulates the Base and Root Chakra. This essence has a grounding and protective effect and helps overcome fear.
Corresponding essence: The Sensitive Soul Cereal Essence
Lapis Gemstone Essences
Lapis stands for inner clarity. May protect you against negativity and strengthens your desire to help others, to do good deeds. Reveals inner truth, promotes self-awareness and acceptance, brings inner power and hope, overcome abuse issues, trauma depression, and grief, builds courage, confidence, and overcome shyness, beneficial to the throat, larynx, and vocal cords. May help regulate the endocrine and thyroid glands. It may help problems with the ear and nose, can improve cardiac rhythm, reduces vertigo, lowers blood pressure, alleviates insomnia. The Lapis Essences calms the emotions; stimulates intuition and helps loosen blockages.
Corresponding essence: Bach Flower Remedies Agrimony
Malachite Gemstone Essences
The Malachite Remedy balances and cleanses all Chakras. It brings a deep understanding and love. Helps build a positive outlook on life, aids creativity, assist take action to create change in your life, enhances the willpower, enhances the development of your intuition, strong essence for the physical & emotional heart, may clear negative entities, balances emotionally, encourages loyalty in partnerships, faithfulness in all types of relationships, business or friendship, opens your heart to others, encourages to change your life, brings strength and vitality to the physical body after illness. It may help to lower high blood pressure and supports the blood system. Can enhance the health of the immune system, thyroid, pancreas, and spleen, and its action in the bowel. Stimulates your digestion to work better.
Corresponding essence: Black Tourmaline Gemstone Essences
Magnetite Gemstone Essences
The Remedy stimulates power and courage and strengthens our Yang (active or masculine) energy. It has an impressive capacity to balance the hemispheres of the brain, balance yin/yang energies, dispel grief, fear, anger, confusion, and attachment, helps relieve burdens and increase energy and endurance, strengthen the circulatory system, help with healing blood and bleeding problems, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, relieve agitation and depression. Has a balancing and cleansing effect. Promotes your love of nature.
Corresponding essence: Starfish Sea Essences
Moldavite Gemstone Essences
The Moldavite Gemstone Remedy helps cleanse the Chakras and strengthens our ability to meditate. It is suitable for accompanying out-of-body experiences or astral projection as it helps us gain access to inner and intuitive knowledge. Excellent stimulant for treating gout, good for the eyes, may be beneficial in treating asthma and other diseases of the respiratory tract, may help with allergies, chemicals or pollution, assisting the body in overcoming flu, helps to eliminate toxins, may rejuvenate cells and repel bacteria and harmful substances from it.
Corresponding essence: Channeling Orchid Essences
Moonstone Gemstone Essences
The Moonstone Essence enhances inspiration. Balances hormonal cycles, maintains healthy yin & yang balance, rejuvenates skin and alleviates degeneration, provides intuition and guidance towards your truth, strengthens feminine and lunar energy, balances throat, sacral and third-eye chakra. It stimulates the creative nature of your feminine side.
Corresponding essences: Inspiration Orchid EssenceObsidian Gemstones Essences
The Obsidian Remedy is used for the stabilization, clarification, and cleansing of the mind. For unrequited love, for other people but especially in the relationship with self. (I now embrace a healthy and loving relationship with myself). Helpful in times of grief, depression. Warms the extremities, accelerates the physical healing of wounds, helps to reduce food cravings, its healing properties also include aiding vision, helps with pets that overreact to noise and traffic, grounding, cleansing of negativity. It may help to dissolve shock, fear, or barriers. Enhances self-control. Recommended against depression, believed to reduce the pain of arthritis, to help joint problems, and to ease cramps. Aids digestion and detoxifies, dissolving blockages, dealing with phobias.
Corresponding essence: Cereal Rice Essence
Olivine Gemstone Essences
Olivine stimulates the 3rd (solar plexus) and 4th (heart) chakra. For an open heart, imbued with love and joy. Releases tensions and brings flexibility. encourages you to feel a love for the earth and its creatures, increases your self-esteem, can help to let go of guilt, can help to feel joy again, can help to heal liver and digestion, The Essence has the power to help with eyesight and also boosts the immune system.
Corresponding essence: Fun Orchid Essence
Pearl Gemstone Essences
The Perl Remedy balances and protects on the emotional level. The pearl has been used in medicine worldwide. Strengthens sensitivity and intuition, balances a wide range of emotional issues, represents the feminine principle, impacts on the solar plexus chakra, aligns the emotional and etheric bodies, strengthens the energetic structure. In Indian medicine, it is thought to cure many ailments, including madness, poisoning, eye and lung diseases, jaundice. In Europe, the pearl was used for melancholy, epilepsy for madness.
Corresponding essence: Moon Planet Essences
Platinum Gemstone Essences
The Platinum Remedy stimulates your mental powers at all levels. A very strong essence, „coming home“ and „ grounded“, Enhance the intuition, deeper insight look. May calm judgment, increase the connection between body, mind and spirit. Can help with access to the power of one’s family and ancestors, related to themes of childbirth and motherhood. The Platinum Remedy is a very strong essence, it should only be used sparingly or in a diluted form.
May help with the sciatic nerve, nerves of legs, calves, foot, knee and the blood vessels of legs.Corresponding essence: Gray Coral Fungus Mushroom Essences
Rose Quartz Gemstone Essences
May dissolve a negative outlook by bringing love, It softens, soothes and opens the heart. Opens the Heart Chakra, encourages forgiveness, helps you to let go of anger and jealousy, encourages healthy self-love, heals the emotional body, eases heartache, relieves loneliness, releases repressed emotional hurts, brings inner peace.
Corresponding orchid essence: Heart Orchid
Rutilated Quartz Gemstone Essences
Sheds light on the darker (shadow) side of your soul and helps you to recognize the roots of your problems. Helps to keep your thoughts positive, let go of past issues or an extremely negative event, aids you to access past life issues, balances mood swings. may relieve anxiety, fear, and phobias. Helps with self-forgiveness. May transform emotions that are related to thyroid issues and parasites. Helps to strengthen the immune system.
Corresponding Essence: Sun Orchid Essence, Diamond Gem Essence
Smoky Quartz Gemstones Essences
The Quarts Remedy helps you to recognize and come to terms with your darker (shadow) side and to acknowledge all aspects of your Self. Supports the root chakra, encourages grounding, helps to detox on all levels, may release pain. This Essence is often used to support the physical health of the abdomen including the stomach, kidneys, adrenal cortex, pancreas, and reproductive organs. It can help with pain in the hips. In Europe, it is often recommended for kidney, liver, eye, and brain issues.
Corresponding essence: Past Life Orchid Essence
Ruby Gemstone Essences
Stimulates and stabilizes the 2nd (sacral) and 4th (heart) Chakra. Fortifies the 4th Chakra. Can relieve past hurts, brings up anger or negative energy for transformation, overcomes fears of being “ugly” or unloved, lowers urge for emotional eating, strengthens the heart, stimulates good circulation and blood flow, relieves pain associated with menstruation, beneficial for the reproductive organs. This Essence is often used for the treatment of sexual dysfunction, impotence, infertility, early menopause. It offers support for gynecological operations. It is useful in detoxifying the body, the blood, and the lymph, and is helpful in treating fever and infections. It can also stimulate the adrenal cortex, kidneys, spleen, circulation, or energy flow in the feet and legs.
Corresponding essences: Victoria Regia, Sacral Chakra
Rock Crystal Gemstones Essences
This Remedy purifies a toxic psyche. Reinforces the aura´s protective shield. Stimulates spiritual growth, can help with concentration, studying, and knowledge retention, balances and harmonizes energies, brings clarity and light to relationships, can open the third eye for clarity. This Essence is known as an excellent all-purpose healer. It is used for protection against negativity. ( emotional release from black magic or negative energy). It can stimulate brain functions in activating the pineal and pituitary glands. Often effective for chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, fibromyalgia, intestinal troubles.
Corresponding planet essence: Uranus Essence
Blue Sapphire Gemstones Essences
The Blue Sapphire Remedy helps with inspiration and inner peace. Helps us overcome fears, promotes restful sleep, more self-discipline, help stimulate your mind, assist you in finding the truth, help with eye infections and improve eyesight, excellent for headaches, nosebleeds, fever, thyroid problems, dementia, ear problems, able to communicate effectively, better express your thoughts and feelings, aid to ease depression, anxiety, insomnia, astral travel. This Essence purifies our thoughts, strengthens our empathy, calms our emotions.
Corresponding orchid essence: Higher-Self-Orchid
Silver Gemstones Essences
The Silver Gemstone Essence stimulates intuition and provides emotional protection. Encourages inner sensitivity, fantasies, dreams, strengthens the connection between astral and physical bodies, enhances intuitive and psychic energies, balances Third Eye Chakra, enhances feminine energy, aid hepatitis treatments, may help to eliminate toxins. Often recommended for: headache, rheumatic pain, nausea and gastritis, diabetes, increase assimilation of vitamins A and E, hormonal and/or chemical imbalances.
Corresponding cereal essence: Wheat Cereal Essence
Blue Sugilite Gemstones Essences
The Blue Sugilite Remedy has a releasing and calming effect. Good for meditation, inner visions, all trans-personal processes. Promotes self-healing and inner peace. Promoting individual as well as universal love, help with understanding the “big questions” in life, helpful for those who feel alienated and alone, helps the user to understand the purpose for their existence, known as “The Healer’s Essence”, enhance your healing and psychic abilities. help with more serious disorders such as schizophrenia and autism, balance and heals all the chakras and the bodily area. The Essence can open the Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra, Soul Star Chakra up to the Fourteenth Etheric Chakra
Corresponding essence: Mushroom Ess.Amazon No. 2, Channeling Orchid Essence
Violet Sugilite Gemstones Essences
The Violet Sugilite Gemstone Remedy can help you to integrate positive spirituality into your life and has a cleansing effect on the emotional body. It promotes emotional balance and helps to reduce excessive mourning and melancholy. May help understanding, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, channelling, Heart, Third-Eye, Crown Chakra, peace of mind, self-love, confidence, courage, protection, balance, stability, spiritual grounding. This Essence can strengthen the Immunity System and be helpful for Debilitates Illnesses. Helps relieve stress.
Corresponding essence: Amazon Mushroom No. 2
SunStone Gemstones Essences
The Remedy restores mental and emotional equilibrium after a shock to our system. Re-balances your emotional pattern. Encourages optimism and enthusiasm, encourages self-empowerment and independence, stimulates self-healing powers, increases sexual energy, cleansing the aura and chakras, for removing hooks from possessive loved ones. Recommended for: increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs, used for chronic sore throats, to reduce stomach tension and ulcers, general aches and pain, used to treat osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, various infections, and athletic injury, anyone draining of your energies, fears, and self-doubt, the sense of unworthiness, feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged or abandoned, can help transform anger into energy and judgment into joy, lack of energy. Helps release blockages in the solar plexus. It has a cleansing, vitalizing, stimulating effect.
Corresponding archetypal essence: The Inner Child Innocence
Tiger's Eye Gemstones Essences
This Remedy improves your concentration. even personal weaknesses. This essence helps us feel tolerance both for others and ourselves. Strengthen your ability to see things more clearly, personal weakness, brings clear thinking and insight. Helps manifest ideas into reality, gives courage for change, boosts self-confidence, balances lower Chakras, helps to raise vibrations, offers strength and vitality, helps to centre the person, brings brightness and optimism to any situation, encourages. The Essence may provide balance in the proper function of the endocrine system. Also may help with mental disorders and helps with any eye problems.
Corresponding essence: Rice Essence
Black Tourmaline Gemstones Essences
The Black Tourmaline Remedy dispels negative vibrations from both body and mind. Provides powerful protection against negative energy and intent, encourages neutrality and relaxed performance, relieves stress, relieves tension in the body and mind, provides protection from negative feelings and safeness. This Essence is excellent for people who are frequently exposed to computers, computer screens, and other electronic devices. It has a harmonious and liberating effect.
Corresponding essence: Angel of Protection Orchid Essence
Pink Tourmaline Gemstones Essences
The Pink Tourmaline can release the energies of negative experiences that have been blocked in the heart. For psychic development and trance work, heals emotional wounds, develops feelings of safety and comfort, helps to find the feelings of love in meditation, repairs holes in your aura field, supports better coping with stress, supports better coping with anxiety, increases gentleness. The Essence can be used to release the emotions attached to an illness or injury. It has a balancing effect on the endocrine system. It stimulates the healing qualities of the heart.
Corresponding essence: Plejades III
Blue Tourmaline Gemstones Essences
The Blue Tourmaline Remedy can release emotions blocked in the solar plexus and helps you to express them verbally. It corresponds to the feminine side of your being. May clear the aura field from imbalances, elevates consciousness, helps to eliminate negative thoughts, eliminates anxiety and feelings of unworthiness, eliminates anger, protects from unwanted entities, overcomes unhealthy attachments, encourages grounding with the earth, softens withdrawal symptoms (addictions).
Corresponding essences: The Destroyer, Angel-of-Protection
Watermelon Tourmaline Gemstones Essences
Watermelon Tourmaline activates your body´s innate healing powers on the cellular level. Unites the physical ( the colour green) and the spiritual ( the colour pink) aspects of the Self. Balances the male and female energies within yourself, remove imbalances (and guilt) caused by conflicts and confusion, the green part feeds your life force, the pink part soothes and harmonizes the whole body, stimulates strong healing energies.
Corresponding essence: Coordination Orchid Essence
Topaz Gemstones Essences
Topaz dissolves a negative attitude by bringing love and joy. Transforms those emotions blocked in the solar plexus up to the 6th (third eye) chakra. Topaz converts emotions which are related to gout issues, bleeding disorder, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, combats aging. It is said to bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope.
Corresponding orchid essence: Colour Orchid Essence
Blue Topaz Gemstones Essences
The Blue Topaz Remedy assists artistic creativity and inspiration. Helps with leadership ability, enhances and improves psychic knowledge, gives spiritual growth, supports the digestive tract, may help with anorexia, sore throat, and headache, very helpful with relationship problems. This essence has a mentally calming and cleansing effect that helps us build a positive mental attitude and strengthens tolerance.
Corresponding essence: Relationship Essences," to approach each other”
Zircon Gemstones EssencesThe Zircon Remedy has a very calming vibration that brings harmony to both mind and soul. Clears blockages of sluggish energy, help to connect your higher spiritual, help to open up the third eye, aids your spirituality and health, clear blocked and disharmonious energies, has a strong grounding action, aid muscle problems and dizziness, help increase bone stability, improves healing of broken bones. It helps us listen to our inner voice and also brings patience for listening to others.
Corresponding essence: Magician 2 Archetype Essence
The recommended dosage:
- for children 3 -5 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
- for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
- for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.
30 ml Dosage Bottle Flower Essences contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol brandy as a natural preservative system. Without alcohol on request.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.