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Chakra Flower Essences

Chakra Flower Essences

The chakras belong to the basics of Indian medicine. The knowledge about chakras can be very helpful to heal discomfort and illness.

Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency and represents a specific function and colour. This special mix of Flower Essences is created to balance the chakras.

  • Chakra Flower Essences

    Crown Chakra Flower Essences

    This Chakra remedy leads us to new perspectives, it shows you the world from a higher point of view. The Crown Chakra makes you recognize what all humans have in common, may they be black or white, male or female, young or old. It provides you with insight, awakening, wisdom, peace, stillness and forgiveness. It may bring your inner and outer development to a higher level.

    Third Eye or Brow Chakra Flower Essences

    This Chakra focuses on the special spot in the body, that we associate with the so-called Third Eye. On the physical level, this Chakra supports everything in and around the head. It strengthens our senses and our perceptive faculty and our mental abilities. A good working Brow Chakra helps you to understand complex structures and develop an intuitive understanding. If this Chakra should be blocked you can be dense and slow, or lack of orientation, of congruency, of authenticity, of a general view. Too much attention on logic and rational thinking, lack of realism, being lost in the dreamworld, erratic behaviour are all symptoms that are associated with the senses, the organs and the thinking. Third Eye Chakra Essence may help to align our senses. It helps us out of lethargy into an active and joyful life. It feeds us with everything we need for a fulfilling, sensitive as well and sensual life. It helps the overly intellectual as well as the mentally inert. This remedy may awaken you to your new life and helps you to completion and wholeness.


    Throat Chakra Flower Essences

    This Chakra is about the exchange of information, communication, speaking/listening, creative expression. It is located in the throat and regulates the flow of food and water, oxygen, nerve impulses, information from head to heart and vice versa.
    On the emotional, social, psychological and spiritual level it works on the issue of 'authenticity'. A strong and healthy Throat-Chakra means honesty and reliability. Head and heart are aligned. If there should be a blockage people may be rude, overly rational or highly emotional.  They do not make the right use of their speaking abilities, they hurt others for nothing.
    The Throat  Remedy may change shyness and arrogance in courageous willingness, to speak with clarity, honesty, and wisdom. It can assist with speech impediments and thyroid, mouth, vocal cords, trachea, cervical complaints.


    Heart Chakra Flower Essences

    This Chakra is the centre between the physical forces (lower three Chakras) and the spiritual ones (upper three Chakras), these forces meet in the heart and are merged with love so that everything can turn out fine for us. Whenever inner forces the emotional and the rational (the mind and the soul) are fighting within you, the Heart Chakra Essence helps you to find a solution.
    The Heart Chakra Essence may be the ingredient of a fulfilling life: cooperation and empathy, respect, the balance of activity and passivity, ability to give and receive love, acting from your heart, growing beyond your ego, being and feeling free in relationships. This Essence opens the heart to receiving lov and strengthens the ability to love. Find solutions in your heart centre. Authenticity and self-expression help to say what one really means and understand what others do.


    Solar Plexus Chakra Flower Essences

    A good working solar plexus is a major source of courage and trust. You develop a 'gut feeling', act according to your personality and emotions, gain strength and capacity to act, know to act spontaneously and listen to your body's needs. The Solar Plexus Chakra Essence can bring flexibility, strength and courage, good digestion, warm hands and feet, a healthy day and night cycle.
    Inner calmness enhances digestion, act from your gut. Recommended with:  lack of control, stress, domination or abuse of others, anger, aggression.
    May help with fatigue, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen - ulcers, diabetes imbalance.


    Sacral Chakra Flower Essences

    You will find the Sacral-Chakra on the spine opposite to the pubic bone. On the physical level, it supports and energizes the pelvis and all of its organs like the sexual organs and the bladder. Beyond that, it works with all the fluids in the human body like blood, urine, lymph etc. This Essence works with creativity and sexuality. The parts of the brain, where motivation is created, usually add a scent of sexuality to it in order to make you start and strengthen your will.
    Without it, you feel unable to do anything, but hanging around and everything will seem dull and boring.

    Money too is associated with the sacral. Any issues of a financial nature will affect this chakra. This Remedy can support creativity and sexuality, brings freedom and enhances self-expression in both fields.


    Base or Root Chakra Flower Essences

    The base energy lets you cope with the material aspects of life. It helps you to live, work and reproduce, find a job, build a house, pay your bills and find a kindergarten for your kids. This energy is grounding, gives stability and a good sense of realism. When the Base/Root Chakra is charged with the energy you are able to cope with everything life brings, even the hard times. Supports taking up your identity and body consciousness. Assists in grounding and stabilizing on the physical, mental and emotional levels.


    The recommended dosage:

    • for children 3 -5 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
    • for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
    • for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.

    According to the manufacturer, all Cereal Essences are gluten-free.

    30 ml Dosage Bottle Flower Essences
    Contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol
    For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.


$24.00 Regular Price
$20.00Sale Price
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