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Archetypal Essences The Mother

Archetypal Essences The Mother

The Mother: Pear
This essence can be used in any kind of emergency. Enhances:

  • self-esteem

  • emotional balance

  • the balance of the physical body

  • inner peace

Recommended for:

  • dissolving self-doubt

  • rebalancing after accidents

  • shock

  • extreme grief

  • restlessness

  • effective handling of a crisis.


This essence strengthens caring and nurturing attitudes, takes away sorrow and brings inner peace. For the Demeter in every woman.
According to C.G.Jung, the mother is the most powerful of all archetypes. The mother has the power to give life. In the early history of mankind, the mother was the head of the family. Figures from the Stone Age show 90% females, some with pronounced female features, perhaps they were used as a symbol for the work of midwives. According to an old Germanic tradition, Pear was the worry tree, to which one turned just as if it were a protective mother. It was the custom to plant a pear tree at the birth of a girl, that was watered with the first bathwater of the child.

Pear strengthens maternal self-esteem, e.g. when doubts arise in pregnant women about their abilities in becoming mothers. If the mother archetype is non-balanced, a woman can suffer from self-doubt or cannot escape the power of her own overbearing mother. Motherhood is not only power and concern for the children, it also includes the ability to let go of the children the day they fledge. Pear supports mothers as well as daughters in dealing with all kinds of issues around motherhood.


The recommended dosage:

  • for children 3 - 5 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
  • for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
  • for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.

30 ml Dosage Bottle Flower Essences.
Contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.

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