Amazon No. 2 Mushroom Essences
Amazon Mushroom Essence No. 2
This Essence connects the 1st Chakra to the Earth and it exerts a strong stimulating effect on the feet. The rooting quality of the Porling-Fungus Amazon Nº2 Essence leads to a feeling of general stability and security while increasing the awareness of your own energy. The energy of this essence can also be perceived in the feet receiving an energy stimulus.
People who have a strong dependence on others will be conscious through this essence of their independence capacity getting rid of emotional ties and directing their own life.
These Essences are energetic LIGHT information in water. They do not contain PHYSICAL substances. For this reason, there is no danger to use them.
The recommended dosage:
for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.
30 ml Dosage Bottle Flower Essences contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol brandy as a natural preservative system. Without alcohol on request.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.