Mushroom Essences
These essences are energetic LIGHT information in water. They do not contain PHYSICAL substances. For this reason, there is no danger to use them. The next level to minerals is the plant kingdom which also includes mushrooms. What is generally know about mushrooms is that they simply are the carrier of spores, but they are far more complex. The mushroom is in actual fact the mycelium, the fibrous network that grows underground and is hidden from view. As an essence, the Mushroom acts on aspects that we are not ready to see and lay dormant deep in our subconscious. Mushroom Essences reinforce our vital Qi and our strength to survive.
Mushroom Essences
Vesuv Lichen
Like the lichen, the first plant to grow on cooled lava, it gives us the power to begin over again. It strengthens our resolve to move forward, even in small steps.
Lichen (Caloplaca flavescens)
This Leaf Lichen Essence acts as energy support for the skin. It helps us change or redefine our contact with the outside world. For people who are too "thin-skinned” in their relationships.
Summer Cep (Boletus reticulatus)
This essence grounds and anchors us within the strength and power of Mother Earth. It provides energy protection for the entire organism.
Many-Zoned Polypore (Trametes versicolor)
Increases our capacity for self-awareness, helping us through difficult crises and at key transition points in our life. It helps us recognize outside influences for what they are, protecting us against parasitic energies when we are vulnerable.
Velvet Shank (Flammulina velutipes)
Opens us to new and lighter thought patterns. Helps us let go of old, worn-out ways of thinking by opening our mind to the winds of change. Its effects can be invigorating and tingling.
Parasol (Macrolepiota procera)
Helps us to recognize and develop our full potential. We learn to recognize our true greatness and to accept it for what it really is. The Parasol is a Mars-Yang fungus, so also helpful for impotence. The Parasol stabilizes the spine, the self-enforcement.
Aleuria (Aleuria aurantia)
Brings us back into balance between matter and spirit. Can assist both those people who are too attached to the physical and also those who ignore their material needs, escaping into spiritual realms too often.
Trumpet Funnal Cap (Clitocybe geotropa )
This essence frees energy blockages and disturbances from the 1st (root) and 2nd (navel) Chakras, thereby strengthening our basic vitality. It also draws out poison residues at an energy level in the case of fungus-related diseases.
Clustered tough Shank (Collybia confluens)
Enlarges our radius of perception by stimulating our "mental antennas”. We become more sensitive to subtle energies, receiving this information by using our hair as "physical antennas.”
Herkuleskeule (Clavariadelphus pistillaris )
It is a rare species of mushrooms, native to Europe and North America. Connects us to our higher-level Chakras, starting with the 8th Chakra (above the crown). Through this contact, we recognize clearly what is right and important at every moment so we can direct our energies accurately.
Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystea),
Helps us in our inner transformation by bringing hidden inner "poisons” to the surface, then reducing their impact on mind, body and soul. It opens the 6th (third eye) Chakra, thereby helping us manage the final "breakthrough” to new, more positive self-awareness.
Lepiste (Lepista irina)
Helps us open the 6th (third eye) Chakra by cleansing the flow of energy between the physical and subtle bodies via the Chakras. It brings us clarity on how to use our intuition and anchors the new balanced energy flow at the cellular level.
Jelly Tongue (Pseudohydnum gelatinosum)
Helps us to centre ourselves and to concentrate, keeping us in balance. It strengthens our cellular structure, preserving our power (and our body heat) at the centre of our being rather than allowing it to dissipate and be wasted.
Amazon Mushroom (Cordyceps)
Strengthens and heals the 2nd (navel) Chakra. Also assists the kidneys. Its effect is very deep as it helps eliminate the emotional poisons that have gotten a foothold in our bodies.
Amazon Mushroom No. 2 (Pycnoporus sanguineus)
Has a strong grounding effect as it stimulates the 1st (root) Chakra. It strengthens our connection to the earth and promotes better circulation in the lower extremities, especially the feet.
Horn of Plenty (Craterellus cornucopioides)
The "breath of Hades” mushroom essence integrates us with our shadow side, grounds us and releases hidden blockages. Intensely connects us with the earth, with our darker, deep and physical nature. Through this funnel, the earth inhales and exhales. This essence raises our energies up from a purely physical level through an "in and out” movement similar to breathing. It stimulates the 1st (root) Chakra, liberating our vital life energies.
Mushroom Essences Gray Coral Fungus (Clavulina cinerea)
Strongly stimulates all types of mental activity by directly affecting the nervous system. Helps harmonize intellect and intuition by opening us to higher perceptions and thought processes.
Mushroom Essences Fly Agar (Amanita muscaria)
This essence intensely affects the 6th (third eye) Chakra and above. It helps cleanse both our physical and subtle bodies of the residues of psychiatric drugs and similar substances. Can help us gain positive access to higher dimensions.
Mushroom Essences Common Puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum)
It has a direct effect on the fontanel, opening up the 7th (crown) Chakra and connecting us to higher dimensions. It helps us be aware of the relative importance of different circumstances during difficult times so that we stay focused and centred.
Mushroom Essences Slippery Jack (Suillus luteus)
Brings any unexpressed feelings of shame and guilt up to conscious awareness. Helps release blockages that are caused by deep-seated negative feelings that deny self-worth.
The recommended dosage:
- for children 3 -5 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
- for adults 7 drops in a glass of water 2 to 3 times a day.
- for pets 3 - 5 drops in the water bowl, on the fur, or with treats.
30 ml Dosage Bottle Flower Essences contains 12.5% alcohol/Vol brandy as a natural preservative system. Without alcohol on request.
For medical conditions always seek advice from health professionals.