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Chakra Essences Remedies

The chakras belong to the basics of Indian medicine. The knowledge about chakras can be very helpful to heal discomfort and illness.
Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency and represents a specific function and colour. These special mixes of Flower Essences are created to balance them.

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Crown Chacra.png

Crown Chakra Essences

wisdom and mastery

spiritually connected, aware

may emotionally balance

can heal headaches at the crown of the head
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Solar Plexus Chakra Essences
a healthy self-esteem

focuses on individual willpower, personal power, and commitment

warmth in personality enhances the sense of humour, playfulness
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Brow Chakra, Third Eye Essences


promotes deep wisdom

assists mystical experiences

for seeing the truth - inner and outer

balances biorhythms
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Sacral Chakra Essences

enjoyment of physical pleasures

healthy sexuality

emotionally satiate us and give us joy
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Throat Chakra Essences

all about speaking your inner truth

express yourself clearly

spiritual growth

enables to listen to others

helps to live in truth
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Heart Chakra Essences

the feminine and masculine in harmony

awakening to spiritual awareness, forgiveness

overwhelming grief

unconditional love
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Root or Base Chakra Essences

wisdom and strength

the inner sense of security

ability to set the goal

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