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Archetypal Flower Essences

Archetypal Essences do not work on the emotional level but on the unconscious level.
They are not prescribed according to a patient’s emotional needs but to the needs of his weak archetype within. If a client is anxious, a Bach Flower therapist might prescribe  Mimulus to assist him to find access to his inner courage.  In Archetypal Flower Essence therapy, we look for a basic weakness of an archetype that causes the symptom of ‘anxiety’.
Such archetypes can be found in nature, too, and when we take the essence of the plant of the archetypal mother we strengthen the mother within ourselves. This is the idea behind the archetypal essences.

The Brother Archetypal Essence.png
The Brother
physical and mental weakness
heavy burdens
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The Healer of the inner child Archetypal .png
The Inner Child 2

the original faith in the world.

safety, security and simplicity.

the quality of original trust.
the ability to trust others

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The Wise Old Man Archetypal Essences.png
The Wise Old Man
the masculine side in a oerson
intelligence and humour
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The Adult Archetypal Essences.png
The Adult
unburden their self on others
good listener
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The Martyr 2 Archetypal Essences.png
The Martyr 2

knowing when to keep working and when you should rest 

listen to your own body

learn to let go

accept defeat

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The Female Healer Archetypal Essence.png
The Female Healer


deals of old hidden trauma

the clearing up of the emotions of physical injury,

the healing of physical scars

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The Inner Child 3  Archetypal Essence.png
The Inner Child 3

deeper meditation

easiness with feelings of grief and sadness

the sadness felt without suffering
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The Woman Archetypal Essences.png
The Woman
strength of the inner femanle
female self-esteem
hormonal balance
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The Female Worrier Archetypal Essences.png
The Female Warrior
inner balance
strength and power
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The Pilgrim Archetypal Essences.png
The Pilgrim
one's skills and senses

sensuality and sexuality.

enjoy body and sexuality

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The Grandmother Archetypal Essence.png
The Grandmother




the opening of your mind

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The Man Archetypal Essence.png
The Man

poor relationship with your father

male fertility

fear of death
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Abandoned 1 Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Abandoned 1
humour and steadfastness 
thick skin
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The Magician Archetypal Essences.png
The Magician 1

acknowledgement and enlightenment
seeking insight
balance boundaries
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The Student Archetypal Essences.png
The Student

calm awareness of ourselves and our surroundings

accepting guidance

divinity to enter through the heart so that guidance might be heard and felt
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The Healer Archetypal Essences.png
The Healer

problems with sexuality
father conflicts
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The Mother Archetypal Essence.png
The Mother


emotional balance

the balance of the physical body 
inner peace

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The Inner Child 1 Archetypal Essences.png
The Inner Child 1

fun, joy


making you laugh and enjoy your life

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The Sister Archetypal Essences.png
The Sister
inner and outer bio-rhythms listening to the inner voice intuition and trust harmony within the feminine body
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Abandoned 2 Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Abandoned 2
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Abandoned 3 Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Abandoned 3
putting off your mask and show your true self
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The Magician Archetypal Essences.png
The Magician 2

facing the true self

sexuality and the ability to love
inner peace
healing and self nurturing

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The Martyr 1 Archetypal Essences.png
The Martyr 1
unconditional love
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The Warrior Archetypal Essences.png
The Warrior
strength and concentration
helps in the dispute to access all internal resources and all power in order to concentrate on the decisive blow, allowing the knock-out.
feeling of well-being
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The Worrier at inner peace  Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Warrior at Inner Peace

patience while waiting for the battle (conflict, exam, etc.),

choosing the right moment to act

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The Artist Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Artist
expressing yourself
spiritual development
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The Hero Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Hero

the ability to protect oneself

protected from unwanted
emotional energy from others

boundary strengthening

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The Beginning Archetypal Flower Essences.png
The Beginning
every new beginning
to start a new life
give you a second change
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The Heroine Archetypal Essences.png
The Heroine
emotional stabilization
appropriate emotional boundaries
femenin, or yin energy
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The Destroyer Archetypal .png
The Destroyer

finding the courage to free yourself from dead relationships

giving up an unwanted  job

strong protective qualities
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The Home Archetypal Essences .png
The Home
harmonious relationshiips
harmony in the heart and mind
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The End Archetypal .png
The End
security and rooted
despite challenges
speeding up healing process
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The Mourner Archetypal Essences.png
The Mourner
courage and optimism
discover love beyond ego
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The Healer of the inner child Archetypal .png
The Inner Child 2
the right use of will and power
calm your emotional body
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The Trickster Archetypal Essences.png
The Trickster
recover from depresson and addiction
opens the breath
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The Wild Archetypal Essences .png
The Wild
higher perspective
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